Jewish Heritage in Italy 360 Virtual Tour

Italian Jewish Heritage, 360° Virtual Tours

360° Virtua Tours, Gigapixel Photos, 3D Objects, Italy

  • Italy, Jewish Heritage 360 Virtual Tour

    Jewish Heritage in Italy Virtual Tour

    Virtual Tours commissioned by UCEI, the Union of Italian Jewish Communities, during 2014-2017. We made the tours with high resolution 360° photos, with zoom ranging from 5x for interiors to 30x for panoramas. Visitors can access them most beautiful and fascinating synagogues in Italy, from Baroque to the most recent ones, museums and cemeteries. Gigapixel panoramas with outstanding zoom capabilities were taken from top towers (Bologna, Venice, Padua), high buildings, classic viewpoints (e.g. in Florence, from Piazzale Michelangelo). 11 cities were involved in the project: Rome, Venice, Florence, Siena, Padua, Bologna, Ancona, Pesaro, Casale Monferrato, Livorno and Pitigliano (called "The Little Jerusalem").
    Objects in museums are provided with their info, photos and in some cases 3D photos that allow to look at them from many angles and zoom on their details. A menu for them is available in order to quickly browse through and easily locate them in their room. The high level of detail allows to appreciate the beauty of the environments.
    In many cases, interactive maps of the cities or the buildings with their stairs is available. Also, all virtual tours are grouped into a single one through a map of Italy accessible from each of the cities, allowing to jump from a location to the other one. The virtual tour is available in two languages, directly from inside: English and Italian. Information is provided as hotspots linked to the 360 photos, such as videos, translations from Jewish of inscripritions on the walls of synagogues.